I know establishing a blog about understanding God won't be easy because when it relates to God,there are many obstacles which human intelligence have programmed to obstruct  us from gaining the true wisdom which begins with  the fear of God.Humanity have been in existed for centuries on this planet,struggling to survive and dominant the world. In our quest to to dominant the world,we acquired knowledge,worldly(artificial) intelligence which according to us is for the benevolence of mankind but which has brought more pernicious problem to us.According to me,God never wanted us to be intelligent,He knew what intelligence will do to us,therefore He instructed Adam and Eve not to eat of the forbidden fruit.But Satan deceived Man into sinning.And what was the price of knowledge,the cost of acquiring intelligence,It was Death.And since then,whatever Man produced through this knowledge brought more death.Our ancestors used to live up to 800years but now it's rare to find a man living above 120years.Why this?Our new scientific and technological developments of course!We have thousands of communication stations round the world,and what's their medium of communication,wireless is it.Wow,thats sound good and cheap,why don't we try it?And now what's the price for it,our lives shortened everyday.Currently thousands of waves past through us everyday,they are constantly changing our cells,abating our lifespan but for what,to make life easier.What an irony? According to organic evolution,the evolved species are to be better adapted,be better in all characteristics of the previous species in order to survive in the evolving environment.But we the present species,are we better in characteristics than our ancestors,oh! We are smarter than them.But what's our smartness when we live shorter than them,when we die prematurely.Is our lives not worth more than intelligence.Nuclear bomb everywhere,Industrial pollutions,terrorism e.t.c all because of our intelligence

I will be treating interesting topics under this blog,to open the eyes of our heart to the true wisdom and intelligence:"The fear of God".Now for us to understand God,then the mother of all questions must be answered
Does God exist?
Click below to read further
God doesn't exist
